We started out the afternoon’s activity by reading Trudy Harris’ book “The Clock Struck One: A Time-Telling Tale.” In the book, I pointed out the clocks on several pages and explained that the long hand of the clock points to 12 and the short hand points to the hour.
When we were done reading, my son set about on the task of making his own book using the worksheets I’d created and cut apart. He drew the hands on the clock to match the time in each verse. (I wrote these out instead of using the numeral.) Then he put them in order. I stapled the pages together, he colored the cover, and voila! He had made his very own Hickory Dickory Dock book. Before he left the table, we read the book cover to cover.
Now, if I could just get that darn tune out of my head. (sigh)
If you want these worksheets and the cover page, download a four-page PDF here. I’m happy to share!