practicing rounding numbers up and down fun - THAT was my goal.
While a simple
sorting exercise or a worksheet would have been effective, neither idea
excited me. And let’s face it; if it doesn’t sound fun to me, a 7-year-old isn’t
likely to think so either.
games are a favorite with my son, so I whipped this one up.
Download a PDF of the game board, playing cards, and die here.
You need two players to play.
rounding to move your game piece. Try to get to the finish before your
the cards apart. Shuffle and lie them face down in a pile between the two players.
two game pieces (e.g. two different buttons, coins, or glass decorator gems).
We used some race car-shaped erasers.
Cut, fold, and glue the “go back/move forward” die.
How to Play
pieces are placed on the words “start.”
first player rolls the “go back/move forward” die. If the die reads “go back,” the
game piece cannot be moved and play moves on to the second player. He/she
the second player rolls and the die reads “go forward,” they turn a card over
on the deck and round it up or down. If the number is four or less and rounds
down to zero, the player must stay at the start. Now it is the first player’s
turn again.
the number on the card is five or higher, the player will round up and move
their game piece 10 spaces on the board.
alternates between both players.
a player rolls “move forward,” they will always round the number on the card
they draw. If it rounds down to zero, they do not move their game piece.
can only move their game piece if the number on the card is a 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9,
which all round up to 10.
a player rolls “go back,” the number on the card drawn is the precise number of
space they retreat. In some cases, this may put the player back at the first square on the game board.
deck of cards may need to be reshuffled for continuous play.
How to Win
player must round a number and advance beyond the final square on the board and
pass the opponent’s game piece to win.
there are just over 20 spaces on the game board, it took us awhile to get
through one game. And at one point, both my son and I were on the last space,
rolling to see who would roll a “move forward” and draw a card with 5 or higher
first; we were both sent back enough times to make predictions of who would win,
anyone’s guess.
son asked to play several more times, and even added LEGO minifigures to the
board as “obstacles.” This was a GREAT way to practice rounding single-digit
numbers. Round Around is going in our
regular rotation of home-made board games!
Note: If you
child has trouble remembering which numbers round down and which round up,
consider teaching him/her a rhyme. Several can be found here.