His little
brother got in on the action too (our oldest boy was kind enough to keep score for
This wonderful idea came from Spoonful.
The catapult DIY is from Do It And How.
I've been itching to make catapults with my boys for ages
but most of the ones I've seen require a block of wood that you attach a
clothespin to.
The clothespin isn't the problem; it's buying a big piece of
lumber so my husband can saw it into one tiny block. NOT PRACTICAL.
Make a Catapult
This catapult design is uber simple and requires no power
tools (unless you consider a hot glue gun one).
You'll need 10 jumbo wooden craft sticks, hot glue, four
rubber bands, and a recycled plastic cap.
1. Stack eight sticks and wrap a rubber band around each
end. Then, stack the remaining two sticks and wrap another rubber band around
one of the ends.
2. Separate the two sticks hinged together with one
rubber band and slide the stack in-between.
3. Add the last rubber band by weaving it in and around
the point where the sticks meet.
4. Apply a dot of hot glue and attach the plastic cap.
Make it a Math
You'll need something to shoot in the catapult. We used
pom pom balls.
Grab four disposal plates and label them with numbers. I
used 5, 10, 15, and 20. Use your child's ability to gauge what numbers are appropriate. When playing this with my preschooler by
himself, I will just use one plate so he can count by ones how many pom poms hit the target.
Now lay out the plates and load the catapult with a pom
pom. Push down on the pom pom-filled cap, release, and watch it fly! Have kids
add their scores together.