
Friday, February 5, 2016

Homework Help: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Our 10 year old was given the opportunity to do sixth grade math in fifth grade. We were psyched that he was going to be challenged more in his favorite subject. The program is pretty much self-taught and while it's gone well, there has been one hiccup ... fractions.

My son normally does mental math at the speed of light, but fractions ssssslllllllllloooooowwwww him way down and that's pretty frustrating for him.

As he struggled through his homework, I agonized over a way to help him. While it's true that games and activities are always my first choice, I knew he was going to need some kind of cheat sheet to refer to as he worked through page after page in his workbook.

Hence, this printable was born.

Seeing as though my fraction activities continue to be some of my most popular, I'm guessing you followers (and the kids you work love and teach) will find this useful.

Print the PDF free from Google Drive here

Teachers - if you're prompted to request permission to access the document, use a PERSONAL email address. Most schools block emails from outside their domain, prohibiting me from granting you access.