
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Baseball BINGO printable

If our summer had a theme, it would have to be baseball.

Our oldest son just wrapped up his season playing baseball, we took the boys to their first major league baseball game in June, and the house is filled with baseball cards and library books about America's favorite past time.

During a recent trip to our minor league baseball stadium for a game, we got the chance to play baseball (batter's) BINGO.

What fun!

When we got home, I made some more game cards so we could play again when watching our favorite teams play on TV.

This game is best played with multiple players or if one player uses more than one card. Players will be only marking their BINGO card when their favorite team gets up to bat. The baseball player's performance will dictate which numbers you search for and ultimately, cross through on your card.

Download a set of 8 baseball BINGO cards and the key here.
For example, when Red Sox 1st baseman Mike Napoli steps up to bat and hits a fly out, the number you look for on your BINGO card is O-70. Each player should have a Baseball BINGO key to help them. Strike outs count as nothing.

The first player to get five in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) wins!

This is a great way to keep the interest alive during a long game. We printed a roster of players so we'd know their positions before the game started, paused the game and wrote down the batting order, and were ready to play along with the major leaguers!

Want some great books to pair with this activity? Here's what we've been reading lately.


  1. Awesome!! Thanks for this - my hubby and son will enjoy playing.

  2. Very fun! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
