
Friday, July 22, 2011

Rainbows: Eat and Learn

Unfortunately, we had a wet spring and up until about three weeks ago, our summer weather was on the same trajectory. Nobody was happy about it. While we were stuck inside watching the rain, I cooked up this colorful weather-related activity. 

First, my son read Dana Meachen Rau’s wonderful non-fiction book called, “Rainbows (Wonders of Nature).” Then I gave him a pair of scissors and a worksheet.

Download this curious question puzzle here.

The words inside white boxes made up the question; the words in yellow boxes comprised the answer. My son cut and moved the words around until the rainbow-related fact was unscrambled.

QUESTION: What two things do you need to make a rainbow?
ANSWER: You need sunlight shining through drops of water.

The curious question activity was something I found in "The Everything Kids' Dinosaur Book" by Kathi Wagner and Sheryl Racine and adapted for this subject matter.

While we waited for our own rainbow outside, we whipped up some rainbow cupcakes. These are so easy and super fun. Simply follow the directions on the back of a white or yellow cake mix box. Divide the batter evenly and add food coloring.

This is a great opportunity to talk about primary colors and how to make secondary colors (e.g. red and blue food coloring can be added to make purple). Spoon some of each colored batter into lined muffin tins. Bake according to the box’s instructions.

Cool. Frost. Share. Impress.


  1. Those look great! We just made rainbow jello (I'll post it next week). I like the rainbow colored shirt to match!

  2. Love ur great ides .... the rainbow cupcakes look wonderful ...

    - Smita
    (fun foods for lil ones)
