
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wheel of Fortune-Inspired Spelling Game

Each week, we start practicing the spelling list by simply reciting the letters in each word. If my son gets the words wrong (usually five or six out of 12-15 words), I circle them and those are the ones we focus our afterschool study on.

This week our spelling practice was inspired by the game show Wheel of Fortune. I call it Word Reveal.

My son had fun with this activity (and, honestly, I kind of got a kick out of playing Vanna White).

What You Need
3-page Word Reveal PDF (download it here)
3 sheets of legal-sized paper to print on
Fine-tip dry-erase marker
Spelling words (up to six)
Page Marker Post-It notes
Either of these sizes of Post-Its work with the game board.
With the "Word Reveal" PDF printed on legal paper and laminated, grab the spelling list. Write the spelling words (one word per each line of boxes and one letter in each box) with the dry-erase marker. Over the top of each letter, place a Post-It Note Page Marker (there are some guide lines to help you position the notes). Make sure you can't see the letter through the note (i.e. don't use the yellow Post-Its!).

NOTE: You can trim the three pages once laminated, use packing tape to form hinges, and make it into a tri-fold game board for easy storage.

It's helpful to write down the words your child is practicing to refer to.

Invite your child to guess letters. You can either uncover every "a" (as an example) on the Word Reveal board, or just the "a"s that are in one word at a time (it's your choice).

As more and more letters are uncovered, encourage your child to try and guess which of their spelling words are on the game board. If they guess right, have them spell the word, peeling back the Post-Its as they recite each letter to make sure their spelling is accurate.

Once practice is done, reward your child for their hard work with a hug, high-five, or special treat!


  1. This is an excellent idea for teaching spelling to kids! Kids always love to do new activities.

  2. Do you reveal the letters or does the child do this?

    1. The adult reveals the letters, as the child won't know the word underneath.
